Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
Legacy Love Letter Guide
Presented by:
Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm
Why: _________________________________________________________________
How: _________________________________________________________________
When: ________________________________________________________________
Putting the Pieces Together:
My Dear Son,
My Dearest Child,
My Beloved Daughter
My Son (Name),
Dear (Name),
Your Introduction: _______________________________________________________
Body: Create Your List
Name of Person: ________________________________________________________
Quality or Memory: ______________________________________________________
Hope or Thanks: ________________________________________________________
Value: ________________________________________________________________
Legacy Love Letter Guide
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
Body: Expand Your List
Name of Person: ________________________________________________________
Quality or Memory: ______________________________________________________
Hope or Thanks: ________________________________________________________
Value: ________________________________________________________________
Put It All Together:
Legacy Love Letter Guide
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
Building the Letter:
Memory with Hope
Memory with Thanks
Quality with Hope
Quality with Thanks
Hopes and dreams for the future
• Thankfulness
• Forgiveness
Example Letter:
o Memory with Hope
o Quality with Thanks
o Hopes and Dreams
o Thankfulness
I will always love you,
Loving you forever,
I am so grateful for our lives together,
You have made a difference in my life,
God bless you,
Your Closing: __________________________________________________________
The Plan:
Once you finish your letter, place it in an envelope, put the person’s name (real name)
on the envelope, seal it, and bring it into one of our offices. We will put the letter with
your estate plan file. Once you pass away, we will give the letters to your estate
administrator to distribute, or we will help them distribute the letters.
Legacy Love Letter Examples
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
My Beloved Son Ryan,
Being called your dad is one of the highest compliments I could ever receive. My
son, you have my heart.
Ryan, through the years I have so enjoyed being a part of how God has matured
you into such a wonderful man. I have had the privilege of a front row seat in so many
wonderful moments in the development of your character. These are all precious
memories to me. I first saw it when you were learning to hit a baseball, and then while
you ran track, and when you were studying for the CFP. You have the highest level of
commitment and determination to never quit I have ever seen. Your teachable spirit has
allowed you to humbly learn and grow and achieve. I have seen you give it your all, and
then summons the strength to come back and face the challenge again with an equal
amount of determination. You are the picture of commitment in my eyes. You totally pour
your self out to be your very best. I so admire you!
Ryan, I will always be so grateful to God for the sense of humor He gave you. You
are the one in the family that makes us celebrate laughter. You make your sisters laugh
and your mother beam with joy. I love to see you and the girls pushing and playing in the
kitchen during the preparation of meals. You are the joyful glue of a happy family.
Finally my son, I have no fear in leaving our family name with your capable hands.
You are all that is good and pure. As you lead your family, love them with all your heart.
Laugh with them without fear and lead them with the full confidence that you are loved
and respected by the man who has had the privilege of watching you grow. I pray that
you enjoy the love of your wife as I have been so blessed by the love of your mother. I
also pray you have the respect of your children. They will be most fortunate to have you
as their Dad. Love your Mom, and keep your sisters laughing. Be strong my son, you
are more than able with the Lord’s blessing in your life.
I truly love you Ryan,
Legacy Love Letter Examples
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
My dear friend Wally,
You have been the friend of my past, present and future. You have always been
an anchor and reference point of what is right in my life. God’s gift to me.
Wally, your pure heart toward God has always been such an example to me. In
high school, you were the man. Going through your parents’ divorce, I saw strength and
conviction. As you and Debbie started your family, you allowed Mary and me to join right
in. I owe you for introducing me to Mary, God’s greatest gift of this life. Your care of my
parents has been a gift of unspeakable gratitude.
Wally, you are a man with godly character. I bless you for your faithfulness. You
have made life fun. With you life would have always been getting the queen of hearts –
13 points. Because of you I have had a brother who really knew the good, the bad and
the ugly of who I am. Thank you for your strength to handle it brother.
With so much more to say, let me close with a pure “Thank You.” God placed you
in y life and you have faithfully fulfilled His purpose. Being called your friend has been a
great privilege of my life.
I love you man!
Legacy Love Letter Examples
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
Rachel, “My Little Lamb”
At the blessed moment of your birth, I became a man as well as a dad. As our first born
you have always pioneered new frontiers of family experiences. Many times being first had the
unfortunate quality of being my first time through the moment as a dad as well. I am so grateful
that you have always had your mother’s positive outlook on life.
There is a quality that your life has given me the privilege of experiencing. Each life
makes an impression on others. Because of you, I know pure, innocent you. One snapshot
memory that illustrates how you showed me what pure, innocent joy really is came when you
were about 7 or 8 years old. The moment was inside Callaway Gardens on the road by the
lake. Rebecca was leaning over fast asleep in the child’s seat on my bike and Mom and I were
riding side by side bringing up the rear of our family of five. The sight ahead of me was of you
pedaling your pink bike and riding in a lazy S pattern as you led the way. Ryan was following
behind you in a straight line so focused, desperately trying to catch his big sister. The sounds of
that moment are the best. The birds were chirping in the trees. I hear Ryan’s bide with the
training wheels as his legs are pumping like two churning pistons. You, on the other hand, only
have the open road before you and you are not aware of anything behind you. You are lost in
the moment and the song that you are signing out loud as you pedal along, winding down the
road. That moment is my pure definition of pure, innocent joy. Thank you for that memory!
Since that time some of my most worshipful moments have come as I have been standing next
to you during the singing time of the service. I do love to hear you sing. I must confess that I
am guilty of calling your phone knowing that you are at work and unable to answer. But I also
know that I would get your voice mail and the pleasure of hearing your voice was what I needed
most in those moments. I guess it is just a dad thing.
The moment that I understood the value of that joy in my heart that you bring to me
came at an awkward moment. The Sunday of the weekend that Mary and I took you to Sanford
was like any other Sunday morning for me as a pastor. Greeting people during Sunday school
and last minute microphone checks in the sanctuary, all seemed pretty normal. As the service
started I enjoyed the music and was ready to deliver the message at the appropriate time. As I
got up and stood behind the pulpit, I located mom where she normally sate and I began to look
where the youth normally sat. As I got to where you usually were, there was no one in that seat.
I only saw an empty spot where you had always faithfully been. At that moment the weight of
not having you close overwhelmed me and I began to spontaneously sob in a way that was
beyond my control. Wave after wave of grief of my loss washed over me and not until Mary
came and stood by me and touched me was I able to regain my composure. During that
moment I sensed the passing of a time in my life that had been such pure joy. It felt like the
ending of the last sentence of the last page of the last chapter of a book that I had had the joy of
reading. With every fiber of my being, I love being your dad!
I have been so blessed to have a daughter with such a pure heart. I pray that you will as
the scriptures say, “Guard your heart.” There is such strength in you, Rachel, but you express it
with such a joyful and gentle way. God uses you to bless others just by you being you. My
dream for you is that God will bring His young man into your life so that with all of the love in
your heart you will have someone to share all of life with together. I pray God grants you
children to love and learn from and that you have wonderful snapshots of pure joy. Finally, I
pray that you will keep that enthusiasm for trying new things in life. I hope you get to do all the
things on your list of wonderful adventures. You have challenged me to be a godly man and
your love has rewarded me as a father. I pray that when the time comes for you to go to
heaven, that you pass away young, at a very old age. God bless you, my little lamb!
I love you Rachel,
Legacy Love Letter Examples
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
Dear Keith and Leigh:
A few words to express my feelings and thoughts while time is running out on me.
Some standard values that I have basically lived by throughout my life are that I have
always believed in honesty and advocated truthfulness. I cherish the family with all my
heart. I always felt that I gave of myself to everyone in the family. The satisfaction and
gratification that I received in return is in the accomplishments of my children. No father
could be as proud as your father is of you. Throughout your lifetime so far, you have
more than exceeded my greatest expectations. You continue to move forward in a
manner that makes me love you more and more. I’m proud to say, “That’s my son!”
Through the years, I’ve tried to take care of my family and give them some of the better
things in life. I tried and succeeded in being able to give my children a good education.
Although I was only a working man, many was the time I worked two jobs for the extra
money so that the family could have a little bit more. I had often thought of going into
some kind of business, but I didn’t have the expertise in any particular field, or the finances
to afford the luxury of risk. However, I’m proud to say that you have shown me through
the years, the aggressiveness that I lacked emerged in you.
I have tried to be financially sound and leave behind an adequate amount of finances to
carry your mother through the rest of her days. Being no one can predict the future, I ask
that should it ever be necessary, see that your mother remains comfortable financially
and otherwise.
Leigh, you have always made me proud with your accomplishments and different
endeavors. You have never undertaken a task that was under-achieved. Through the
years you have been in my confidence and as close as a daughter. I love you and the
girls deeply.
My concentration is not too great at this point, as I’m sure I can say much more. Keith
could not have picked a finer mate. You are a good wife and excellent mother. I feel a
father and daughter relation to you.
I hope Danielle and Michelle follow in the footsteps of the family and their traditions.
I love you all.
Legacy Love Letter Examples
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
My Beloved Nieces and Nephews –
I want you to know what is important to me, and I leave you this legacy:
Each of you has added a rich and beautiful texture to my life since the day of your birth! I
have forever watched over you, hoped the best for you and shared many family
adventures with you.
For four generations, my eyes have also watched our family struggle with alcoholism –
grandparents, parents, my siblings and now some of you, the youngest among us.
Alcoholism robs the family of joy, trust, hope and enthusiasm – even if you are not the
alcoholic. Some of the harshest pain that I have ever known was watching my Dad’s
suffering with addiction for over thirty years and Mom’s umbilical dance with this devil we
call alcoholism.
Yet somehow, early on, I was inspired to step away from home and try to change the
nature of my engagement with Life. Rather than follow the familiar paths that I’d known,
I’ve worked hard to foster my own wellbeing, joy and wonder for Life. At the same time,
I have always been willing to step back into the fray of family struggles in hopes that I
could hold up different paths and choices for you to see.
I pray that, if you would honor me and accept one small gift, then let it be this thought: Let
true joy be the only addiction in your life! If joy eludes you, then change the nature of
your engagement with this wondrous world. Simply try something different! Hope,
inspiration and wonder are far more worthy companions than alcohol. Trust this, and God
will guide you to your joy!
All my love,
Aunt Darcy
Legacy Love Letter Examples
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
Dearest Rebecca,
My dear sweet, wonderful Rebecca, Oh how I love you! As my baby girl, the joy of
watching you grow and mature into such a godly woman has been such life to me. You
are the center of such joy in my life. Being your dad has been such a delight and an
overwhelming privilege. Thank you for loving me and letting me be on the journey with
There are so many wonderful memories. I see you in the kitchen with your apron on
making something delicious for someone with the dedication of a ship’s captain. Your
gift of hospitality has been such a defining quality that is so endearing. I have always
been so proud of you in your adventurous spirit. ‘Beco’s Bud’s” will always be my
favorite mental picture of you in the neighborhood with your wagon going door to door
selling your plants. You never cease to amaze me with your willingness to put yourself
out there even when the risk was rejection. You are truly one of the most courageous
people I know. You have found your own way with a loving and joyful style. I love your
paintings. I have always enjoyed having our secret code C4. It is true. Feel free to tell
anyone you want what it means.
Bec, my dream for you is that you continue to have the courage to always give without
losing yourself. Allow giving to define you because you bless so deeply when you give
with your unique flair. I pray that your home will be blessed. I cry out to God that you
would know the love of a man like I love your mother. I so desire that you enjoy your
children. You have brought such joy to me. I want you to know that same joy of your
Finally, I so desire for you to have a close lifelong relationship with Rachel and Ryan.
The three of you together are so complete. They need you Bec and you need them.
Use your gift of hospitality to keep those relationships fresh and close.
Bec, I so hope you have a little Rebecca. I want you to know the depth of joy that you
have brought me and mom. The greatest blessing I could wish for you is that you might
know the love of your little Becco.
I love you so much!
Legacy Love Letter Examples
Presented by: Pyke & Associates Estate Planning Law Firm – 770-507-2500 –
To the love of my life,
Mary, you are the crown of my head (Proverbs 12:4), the beat of my heart, and the very
breath of my life. I adore you with my whole heart. You are a garden enclosed, my
sister, my bride (Song of Solomon 4:12). I have lived because of the privilege of
knowing your love as a husband, partner, and best friend. Your love for me has totally
made me and my love for you totally captivates and defines me. Oh how blessed I am!
As my flawless bride, the fruit of the spirit so describe you. Through your quiet spirit
and dynamic walk with the Lord, I have experienced God’s love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, gentleness, and self- control. Our children have had the amazing privilege of
growing up under your wisdom and faithfulness in the Word. For me, the excitement of
being your groom has never ceased to humble me and thrill me as your man. You have
perfectly honored your parents, loved me, and blessed our children with your nurturing
love. The image of you walking down the aisle to meet me at the altar, and then both of
us blowing out the candles to leave only one burning is the picture of our oneness. My
life began at that moment.
Know that as I write this note to you. I am constantly on the brink of breaking down in
tears. My greatest hope for you in the years ahead is that you know without a doubt of
my love for you. I pray that our children will honor you all the days of your life. It is my
deep desire that you have the means and the privilege of being very involved in our
grandchildren’s lives. Your Christ-like love is the blessing that will anchor them through
the years. Finally, I want you to know if it is the Lord’s will to protect you from loneliness
through someone in your life, I pray you will have the freedom to share in the fullness of
that relationship with my blessing.
Mary, your voice, your eyes, your touch, your love has fully captivated me. “I am a
goner!” even though I can’t be with you, I want you to know that my heart is stuck on
12:34 for all of eternity. You are my sweetheart and I love you dearly!
Yours only,