Are you a soft, sexy, exciting lady who would like to have a taste of
“part-time paradise”?
If so, read on.
My name is Gary and I am looking for a very special woman who would
like to share a few small (but exciting!) adventures with me and who wants
to enjoy a part-time slice of the good life. Are you that woman? Maybe,
maybe not. The first thing it depends on is me. You see, if I’m not your
kind of guy then what I have to offer may not be your idea of how life
should be lived.
So let’s start with me. Here’s what my life is like. First of all, I’m an
early riser. I usually get up around 6 AM and eat a piece of fruit and drink
a cup of coffee and then, on most days, by 6:30 AM , I’m jogging around
Lake Hollywood. How far I run depends on how good I feel. It’s never
less than three miles and seldom more than seven. When I’m finished, I
get into my car and drive to a place I call “The House of Pain” (actually
the sign outside says Vince’s Gym) where a stone-age sadist who
masquerades as a fitness instructor forces me dumbbells, barbells and
other fiendish contraptions in ways my body was not designed.
Whatever, after about an hour of this, I travel to yet another
establishment where I give my tired hurting body a chance to recover
while I rest upon a UVA suntan bed and listen to soothing music ( usually
Rod Stewart or Jimmy Buffet) on a pair of stereo headphones.
By the time I am finished, it is approximately 9:45 AM and what I do
next is go home, shower, change into fresh clothes and eat a light
Finally, after all this, I go to work.
And boy, do I ever work, I love what I do for a living and, I must
confess, I am truly a workaholic. For example, right now I am attempting
to put together the financial and promotional packages for 10 different
feature films. I am writing two books (one fiction and one non-fiction). I
am collaborating on a screenplay and I am attending to the details of two
businesses that I own personally and, also, to the business details of
several corporate and personal clients whose names are household words.
It’s quite a workload.
And what do I do after I stop working? What is my big reward for all
this running and grunting and pumping iron and stretching and straining
and writing and thinking and solving and creating and caring and so on?
Nothing, that’s what. Nada. Zip. Not doodley squat! No “Miller
Time!” No drugs. No sex. No rock and roll.
Not even a little wine and some classical music.
Why? The answer is simple. You see, for the last months I have
been spending my evenings and weekends on a marathon of non-stop
And why have I been sulking? Good question. And, once again, the
answer is simple. Up until 3½ months ago, my “Miller Time” was terrific.
It was terrific because there was a very beautiful, very erotic, very special
lady in my life and we were in a relationship that I thought would last
forever. But that relationship has ended. It has ended stupidly, tragically,
and for insane reasons totally beyond the ability of any human to control.
Well, such is life. But what’s done is done and month’s worth of
sulking is more than enough for anyone and now it is time for me to climb
up out of my sulk and find myself another special woman.
So why write an ad? Why do I have to advertise for a woman? Am I
some kind of geek with two heads and bad breath?
No, I am not. I am a reasonably attractive (maybe even semi-
handsome?) Caucasian male in his mid-forties with a sparkling personality
(except when I’m sulking), a keen wit, a steady hand, and a clear eye. I’ve
got a good tan, dark brown hair and a short, neatly trimmed dark brown
beard with a couple of “interesting” spots of grey. I am of average size.
Not short, not tall, not fat, not skinny,. I’m in excellent health, I’m not
hurting for money and I can look any maitre de in the country right square
in the eye without flinching.
So once again, why do I have to advertise to get a woman? Well,
actually, I don’t. I’ve been married twice. I’ve had a few other serious
relationships and, of course, my share of one-night stands and short term
romances. I’ve enjoyed the company of a few really outstanding ladies
and I want to do so again.
But you know what else? I’ve also met many ladies who were not so
outstanding. In fact, I’ve met more than a few woman who, although they
had great exteriors, were, on the inside, flat out dummies!
Want some examples? You do? OK, you asked for it. Try these out for
Zelda The Princess: Zelda is a 26-year-old Jewish lady who waltzed into
my office and immediately informed me (before I even had a chance to say
hello) that she wanted me to write an ad for her and that she wanted to go
to bed with me.
Well, what the hell, on some days I’m a pushover. She got what she
wanted and I must admit, she gave me one of the most thorough screwing
I’ve ever had in my life.
Unfortunately, it didn’t happen in bed.
And, what happened in bed was unfortunate also. You see. Zelda’s idea
of good sex is brutality. She wants a man who will slap her around,
degrade and humiliate her and, quite literally, bounce her off the walls.
Sorry, but that’s not me. I like to make love with women, not war.
Sherry The Tragic: Sherry was a secretary and a go-go dancer. Great
body, a very pretty face and a good sense of humor. Unfortunately, she
was also a “walking accident” looking for a place to happen. She was
always in court on charges relating to neglecting her four-year-old
daughter and her ex-boyfriend was a Mafia hit man (true) who wanted her
back and who was trying to find her.
We had a very brief affair.
Karen The “Would Be” Prostitute: A gorgeous woman who, after our
affair got going, confessed to me she wanted to live her life as a hooker.
Then she informed me she wanted me to be her first John” and that I
should start paying her for sex. When I refused she decided I would be her
lord and master (pimp) and she would have sex with other men and make
then pay and then give the money to me.
This also was a very brief affair.
Claudia The Actress: Sensational looks. A real traffic stopper. I used
her in a few full-page ads and I created a perfume promotion based around
her. We started hanging out with each other and I was the envy of all the
men who saw us together.
Except me. I wasn’t envious of me at all. Claudia had a terminal case of
tunnel vision. The only thing that she could focus on whatsoever for more
than 10 seconds was her precious career.
She was deadly dull. I couldn’t sustain enough interest in her to even
take her to bed.
I could go on and on. All of these examples (except for the names) are
true. They have not been made up. In fact, they have been toned down!
And so far, I haven’t even described what I consider the worst category
of women at all. These are women who, in my opinion, might actually be
clinically crazy. You want to know how I can tell? It’s easy. You see,
these are all the women who do not have any of the drawbacks that turn
me off and who, for some unexplained reason, are not interested in me.
Can you imagine that?
Anyway, the idea of this ad is simply to put a little “science into the
search” and to eliminate me having to spend a lot of time with a woman
only to discover that I am not interested in her or else (and much worse)
that she is not interested in me.
What do I want in a woman? Well, I’ve got a pretty good idea but I am,
I must admit, quite flexible. However, I have a very clear idea of what I
don’t want and it is here that I am not flexible at all. So, let’s start with
that. Here they are.
7 Things Gary Does
NOT Want From A Woman!
#1 DEATH OR DISEASE: This is my number one no-no. Listen, I’ve
never had sex with a gay man, a bisexual man, a transsexual man or any
kind of man at all. I hardly every go near Santa Monica Boulevard and,
when I do, the only place I ever stop is Barney’s Beanery.
And, even then, I never eat quiche.
In other words, I’m straight. Also, I’m not a hemophiliac. I’ve never
had a blood transfusion. I’m not a junkie and I never stick needles into my
body. I’m not promiscuous. I don’t mess around with prostitutes )I tried it
years ago and it was boring), and I’ve never even been close to Africa or
What this means, of course, is that with any kind of luck at all (knock on
wood) I do not have AIDS. Also, to my knowledge, I do not have any
other type of dreadful communicable disease including syphilis,
gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis, or even the bubonic plague.
If you can’t say the same, please, please, do NOT respond to this ad.
#2 DRUG DRAMAS: DO you like to drink a little or get a little high
once in a while so you can loosen up and party down? You do? Good!
That means you and I can have some fun. But please read that first
sentence again. See where it says “a little” and “every once in a while”?
Those words are important to me. Therefore, if your idea of “a little” and
“every once in a while” is to get drunk or stoned every day, if the way you
like to use cocaine is by freebasing or injecting it, if you gulp down
Valium or Quaaludes by the fistful, if you use PCP or heroin in any way,
shape or form, then I must, once again, ask you to please not answer this
#3 DESPERATE DILEMMAS: Are you sleeping in your car because
your rent is six months overdue? Is your ex-husband a hatchet murderer
who is trying to track you down and who swears to mutilate any man who
so much as looks at you? Are you in desperate need of fast money
because your poor old mother needs a kidney transplant in order to keep
on living?
I’m sorry, I really am. But I’m just an ordinary everyday nice guy. I’m
not Superman or even Lee Ioaccoa. I’m very compassionate and very
understanding but I have recently retired from trying to save the world.
Therefore, I am not qualified to save your life. However, if you will let
me, I might be able to enhance it by adding to it some excitement and
#4 MARRIAGE: I’ve been married twice and, both times, it spoiled a
great romance. I don’t want to get married again and I don’t want to live
with you either. You see, at this point in my life, I don’t want to own a
woman, I just want to enjoy one.
It would be nice, if you decide to answer this ad, if you already have
some sort of life of your own. I don’t want to be your everything. I would
much rather be that special somebody who you see two or three times a
week and who makes you feel good.
Would that be OK?
#5 I DON’T WANT A SEXUAL SWINGER: Do you spend your
evenings attending orgies at the A-Frame? Do you have a lifetime
membership at Platos? Do you refuse to call yourself a prostitute even
though you run a credit check on every man you meet before you go to bed
with him? Do you have a time clock in your panties and a cash register in
your bra?
Sorry, we’re not compatible.
You know, even though I’ve been married and I’ve been around, I feel
that, by Southern California standards, I’m almost a virgin. For example,
someone told me recently that Hugh Hefner has been to bed with more
than 3,000 women.
Could that be true? I don’t know but, if it is, he is, in my opinion, a man
to be pitied, not to be envied.
I’ll take quality over quantity any day.
#6 I DON’T WANT A SEXUAL PRUDE: I bet by now you think I’m
repressed, don’t you? I bet you think the hot throb of lust does not live in
my loins. I bet you think that if you and Kelly LeBrock showed up at my
door with a suitcase full of excitement from Trashy Lingerie (they’re
located at 422 N. LaCienega and they’ve got the hottest stuff in town!) and
suggested we have a ménage a trios that I would toss you both out on your
ear and report you to Jerry Falwell.
You are wrong. You are wrong. You are wrong. You are wrong.
Fear not, I may be cautious but I’m not crazy.
Hark unto me. Listen. Just because I’m not into freebasing, orgies and
non-stop promiscuity doesn’t mean I’m dead. It’s true that I don’t want a
woman who’s been sleeping with everything in pants. However, on the
other hand, if you are a 35-year-old virgin who thinks foreplay should be
½ hour of begging and “oral sex” is the name of a disgusting new group of
punk rockers than, you may rest assured, our stars were simply not meant
to cross.
Don’t laugh. I lost the love of my life because things got “too good”.
Some are into the struggle and not the reward.
I’m into both. As you already know, I like to work but work without
reward is senseless. It seems to me that many woman (and men) just insist
on filling up their lives with a lot of needless trauma.
Not me, I want the payoff along with the pain. Therefore
“If you don’t want the good
And just want the bad.
Don’t waste your time
By answering this ad!”
Good Lord, that was corny, wasn’t it?
Well, anyway, that’s my laundry list of what I don’t want and, in fact,
what I can’t handle. Now comes the hard part. I really feel awkward
about saying what I do want. I’m afraid if I get too explicit it will seem
like I’m an insensitive clod ordering something from a Chinese menu.
On the other hand, if I don’t set down some guidelines, I’m afraid this ad
will be answered by many woman with whom I would not be at all
So please, give me a break. I’m not nearly as definite about what I am
about to write as it will appear in print. Remember, what I am about to
write is not etched in stone.
Anyway, here I go. My idea of a perfect woman is someone who is
intelligent and healthy with a good sense of humor and someone who will
take my breath away when I see her in a string bikini!
As far as age is concerned, if you are somewhere between 25 and 35 that
would be just fine and, if you are a little younger or a little older, that is
probably no big deal.
I like women who take care of themselves. If you have a slender,
healthy body, a reasonably slim waist, rather generous breasts (God, that
sounds redneck, doesn’t it?), a very pretty face and a good sense of humor
then, quite frankly, you sound like heaven to me!
So much for specifications.
And now if after all this, you are still interested, what can you expect
from me? Well, the first word in the headlines of this ad is “Generous”
and I am just that. However, generous does not mean “chump”. It also
doesn’t mean that I want to pay for sex. That’s ridiculous. Any man in
LA who wants to pay for sex doesn’t have to write an ad, all he has to do
is answer one. Those ads are all over, even in the yellow pages.
Here’s what I mean by generous. I love to buy presents for women. I
like to take them to movies and plays and I love to send flowers and buy
them jewelry and clothes and, if I really get involved with a woman, I
rather enjoy helping to support her and helping her to elevate her life style.
Also, I give great vacations. I love to travel for long weekends (four
days or so) to Acapulco, Hawaii, Fort Lauderdale. , the Bahamas, and so
on. I only fly first class and I try to always stay in the best hotels and eat
in the best restaurants.
Does any of this sound good to you? I hope so. This is an honest ad/
Every word is true and, although I’ve made a modest attempt to make it
entertaining, you should also know that I am sincere.
Are you leery about answering a personal ad? I don’t blame you. I sure
am. Before I decided to write this ad I started reading other “personal” ads
and they scare the hell out of me. I’m always afraid they are being written
by sexually sick people or real losers and sometimes by people who are
down right dangerous.
I mean, have you read those ads? They go like this:
Or like this:
And so on.
I’m not like that. Really. I’m not I promise. I’m a reasonably normal
healthy male who would like to add a little excitement and romance to his
life with a reasonably normal, healthy female.
If you are at all interested or even curious, please write and l=tell me
about yourself and how to get in touch with you and, also, please send a
recent full length photo.
Who knows. Maybe we’ll click and maybe we won’t. But, at the very
least, you won’t be writing to some sick psychotic and maybe, just maybe,
it’ll all turn out great.
Just write to:
Gary, 7510 Sunset Blvd. #1020, Los Angeles, CA 90046
Thank you for your support.
Are you more than just another pretty face?
Generous Creative Businessman Wants
to Find a Hot, Sexy Woman With
se of Humor
“Psychotic white woman wants to be sodomized by 12 Cuban truck
drivers and a boa constrictor while husband watches and salivates.”
Call 1
old lady with youthful outlook wants to meet vegetarian
non-smoker to discuss saving the whales and other ecological
“Pleasingly plump 590 pound woman
wants to meet sincere fun
loving man to care for her and her lovely 18 children.”