Version August 2023
UCCOM Curriculum Vitae (CV) Citation Guide
All CVs may not look the same. Examples are provided but looking at additional CV
examples through exploration can be a helpful tool.
Use Standard APA Style. APA is formally known as American Psychological
Association. This is the style most used to cite sources for academic documents,
specifically, journal entries and books. This order, structure and format allows a reader to
focus on content over the presentation of the CV.
LastName first middle initials of authors as listed in the paper. Your name should be
bolded. Title of article. (Year, Month). Journal, volume (issue): pages. PMID: ID
(What is a PMID or PubMed Reference): ID Number: a permanent and unique
combination of numbers and letters used to identify an article, book, or other source. The
number/letter combination is assigned to the publication once it is entered into the
PubMed page and can be found on the record page. The NIH (National Library of
Medicine) assigns the PMID.
Continue to update and input information as you progress through medical school
List Publications/Presentations into categories: Peer Reviewed publications (if applicable)
should be listed first as these are usually more substantial than presentations.
Version August 2023
Additional Reference Examples can be found online at:
APA Style Reference Examples
Possible Categories for Citations:
Peer Reviewed Journal
Student, A. B. (2020). The Effects of Meditation
on Stress Reduction. Journal of Health
Psychology, 25(3), 456-467.
Peer Reviewed Journal
Articles/Abstracts not yet published
Student, AB. (in press). The effects of
meditation on stress reduction. Journal of Health
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter
Student, A. B., Happy, D., & Grumpy, A.
(2002). Mitral Valve Disease (2nd ed., pp. 483-
508). Cardiovascular Medicine; Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins; Philadelphia, PA; Topol,
Poster/Oral Presentation
Happy, D., Grumpy, A., Sleepy, C. S., &
Student, A. B. (2009). Personality Trends
Among Current Medical School Classes [Annual
Scientific Sessions of the Association of
Associate Deans]. Cincinnati, OH.
Grand Rounds Presentation
Happy, D., Grumpy, A., Sleepy, C. S., &
Student, A. B. (2023, August 9). Personality
Trends Among Current Medical School Classes
[Grand Rounds]. University of Cincinnati,
Department of Psychiatry and Behavior
Peer-Reviewed Online Publication
[A.B. Student]. (2023, August 9). The effects of
Meditation on Stress Reduction [Video]. Journal
of Health Psychology.
Virtual Meeting Presentation
Student, AB. (2022, January 16) Personality
Trends Among Current Medical School Classes
[virtual meeting]. Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Neuroscience, University of
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, United States.