Updated May 2022
Recommended First Quarter Schedule
Entry Level Writing Course (ELWR)^ or Lower Division
College English Composition
Any lower division History course (listed 1-99)^
Foreign Language*
GE Course or First Year Seminar**
Total Units:
12 - 16
Alternative Courses
*Additional GE Course if Foreign Language has been
met with AP/IB or exam score.
^ Students should not take GE or major courses with Writing
Experience (WE) until ELWR is satisfied.
Explore First Year Seminars: https://fys.ucdavis.edu/
**Consider the History Department’s First Year Seminar:
“The One Where You Learn About History” when it is offered.
History (A.B.)
Website: https://bluecluster.ucdavis.edu/history
First Quarter Schedule Notes:
Students are encouraged to begin their first quarter taking one
lower division History course, one foreign language beginner
course, and the College of Letters & Science composition
requirement to create a balanced first quarter schedule.
Do not take more than two History courses at a time! The
reading workload can be extremely dense, and two History
classes a quarter tends to be a good balance for students in the
major. Be aware of taking similar discipline courses alongside
History, such as Comparative Literature, English, etc. and the
reading amount it will require.
Placement Exams
Foreign Language: All students pursuing an A.B.
degree in the College of Letters and Science
complete a Foreign Language through the 15-
unit level (For example: through SPA 003 or
above.) Please see the UC Davis Language
Center website for details on course placement
or proficiency exams if you have familiarity with
a language other than English.
Not Required
Math: The History major requirements do not
require the Math Placement Exam. If you plan
to take Math courses, be sure to review
placement requirements prior to enrollment.
Chemistry: The History major requirements do
not require the Chemistry Placement Exam. If
you plan to take Chemistry courses, be sure to
review placement requirements prior to
Computer Science: The History major
requirements do not require the Computer
Science Placement Exam. If you plan to take
Computer Science courses, be sure to review
placement requirements prior to enrollment.
Recommended First Year Goals
Understand the different concentrations available within the History major and explore interests the different
regions, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, United States, and World.
Make progress completing the 5 lower division courses for the History major requirement.
Confirm with major and college advisors about how any transfer coursework or AP/IB scores will apply to your major
and/or degree requirements.
Explore a new area of interest History is highly interdisciplinary!
Read the History Weekly Announcements email for information on programs, internships, and course offerings.
Updated May 2022
Additional information:
Students can complete a year-long History Honors Thesis Program during their senior year (HIS 104A, 104B and
104C) and the latter two courses can be used towards major requirements credit (except for HIS 101/102/103
The History department includes Study Abroad programs to Cuba, Vienna, and more! Students are also encouraged
to explore UC Education Abroad Programs to study in foreign countries and gain credit towards the major just see
department advisors first!
The History major requires a total of 60 units, which leaves at least 120 units to complete for the College
requirement, so many students in the major also pursue a minor or double major, you may be interested in looking
into other studies to pursue along with History. Popular choices include Political Science, International Relations,
and Sociology.
AP/IB Exams and Major Requirements
AP/IB Exams
UCD Course
Can repeat for credit at UCD?
AP US History
HIS 17A and 17B
Yes, can repeat; consult with advisor
AP European History
HIS 4B and 4C
Yes, can repeat; consult with advisor
AP World History
No class equivalency, but
yields units
Yes, can repeat; consult with advisor
IB History of
HIS 17A and 17B
Yes, can repeat; consult with advisor
IB History of Europe
HIS 4C only
Yes, can repeat; consult with advisor
IB History of the
Islamic World
Yes, can repeat; consult with advisor
IB History of Africa
HIS 15
Yes, can repeat; consult with advisor
Please note: This chart only covers scores that yield major credit for History.
For the most up-to-date list of all AP and IB scores and their credit at UC Davis, please refer to the charts available on the UC Davis
Admissions website. https://www.ucdavis.edu/admissions/undergraduate/freshman/exam-requirements