Political Science- Public Service Bachelor of Arts (A.B.)
Advising Checklist of Major Requirements
2016-18 Catalog (Effective Fall 2017, Updated 12/2018)
Preparatory Subject Matter (24 Lower Division Units)
Required Course (4 units): Quarter
POL 001 American National Government _________
Required Course (4 units):
POL 051 Scientific Study of Politics _________
Select One Course from (4 units): Quarter
STA 013 Elementary Statistics _________
STA 032 Statistical Data Science _________
POL 12Y Data Visualization _________
Select Three Additional Courses (12 units):
POL 002 Intro to Comparative Politics _________
POL 003 International Relations _________
POL 004
Basic Concepts in Political Theory _________
POL 005 Contemporary Problems of the _________
American Political System
POL 007 Contemporary Issues in Law and _________
POL 011A America Decides _________
POL 011B Citizen Lawmaking _________
POL 011C Politics and Film _________
POL 011D Political Persuasion _________
POL 012A Politics and Sports _________
POL 012B Climate Change and Politics _________
Depth Subject Matter (44-46 Upper Division Units)
Core Program- Institutions and Processes of American Government (12 units, 3 courses)
Three Courses from: Quarter Quarter
POL 100 Local Government and Politics ______
POL 102 Urban Public Policy ______
POL 104 CA State Gov’t and Politics ______
POL 105 The Legislative Process ______
POL 106 The Presidency ______
POL 108 Policy Making in the Public Sector ______
POL 109 Public Policy/Governmental Processes ______
POL 113 American Political Thought ______
POL 114 Quantitative Analysis/Political Thought ______
POL 180 Bureaucracy in Modern Society ______
Fields of Concentration (List of Course Options on Back Page, 24 units, 6 courses)
Courses can be taken in two or three Fields of Concentration (1-9), with at least two courses in each field. At least 16 of
the units must be in Political Science. Indicate the Field of Concentration when completing the checklist.
Courses counted
towards Core Program requirement may not be used for this category.
Course Number / Units / Quarter Field of Concentration
POL____________ _____ ______________ ______________________
POL____________ _____ ______________ ______________________
POL____________ _____ ______________ ______________________
POL____________ _____ ______________ ______________________
_______________ _____ ______________ ______________________
_______________ _____ ______________ ______________________
Required Internship (6 units)
_______________ _____ ______________
_______________ _____ ______________
Required Research (2-4 units)
________________ _____ ______________
________________ _____ ______________
68-70 Units Total
Upper Division PPS Course Options
2016-18 Catalog (Effective Fall 2017, Updated 9/2018)
Field 1: Policy Process
POL 100 Local Government and Politics
POL 102 Urban Public Policy
POL 104 CA State Gov’t and Politics
POL 105 The Legislative Process
POL 106 The Presidency
POL 107 Environmental Politics and Administration
POL 108 Policy Making/Public Sector
POL 109 Public Policy/Gov’t Processes
POL 140A Comparative Political Institutions: Electoral Systems
POL 160 American Political Parties
POL 162 Elections and Voting Behavior
POL 163 Group Politics
POL 164 Public Opinion
POL 165 Mass Media and Politics
POL 166 Women in Politics
POL 168 Chicano Politics
POL 170 Political Psychology
POL 171 The Politics of Energy
POL 172 American Political Development
POL 174 Government and the Economy
POL 175 Science, Technology, and Policy
POL 180 Bureaucracy in Modern Society
POL 183 Administrative Behavior
POL 187 Administrative Theory
POL 195 Special Studies in American Politics
POL 196A Seminar in American Politics
ECN 130 Public Microeconomics
ECN 131 Public Finance
Field 2: Policy Interpretation (Public/Pre-Law)
POL 119 Contemporary Political Thought
POL 150 Judicial Politics/ Constitutional Interpretation
POL 151 The Constitutional Politics of the
Amendment & the Right to Privacy
POL 152 The Constitutional Politics of Equality
POL 153 The Constitutional Politics of the Justice System
POL 155 Judicial Processes and Behavior
Field 3: State & Local Policy
POL 100 Local Government and Politics
POL 104 CA State Government and Politics
POL 102 Urban Public Policy
POL 196A Seminar in American Politic
ESP 173 Land Use and Growth Controls
SOC 143A Urban Society
Field 4: Foreign Policy
POL 122 International Law
POL 130 Recent U.S. Foreign Policy
POL 131 Analysis of U.S. Foreign Policy
POL 132 National Security Policy
POL 134 Africa and U.S. Foreign Policy
POL 139 Special Studies in Foreign Policy
Field 5: Environmental Policy
POL 107 Environmental Politics and Administration
ESP 160 The Policy Process
ESP 161 Environmental Law
ESP 162 Environmental Policy
ESP 166 Ocean and Coastal Policy
ESP 168A Methods of Environmental Policy Evaluation
ESP 168B Methods of Environmental Policy Analysis
ESP 169 Water Policy and Politics
ESP 171 Urban Planning
ESP 172 Public Lands Management
ESP 173 Land Use and Growth Controls
ESP 179 Environmental Impact Assessment
Field 6: Economic Policy
ECN 100 Intermediate Micro Theory
ECN 130 Public Microeconomics
ECN 131 Public Finance
ECN 151A Economics of the Labor Market
ECN 151B Economics of Human Resources
Field 7: Social Policy
SOC 104 The Political Economy of Internal Migration
SOC 124 Education and Inequality in the U.S.
SOC 141 Industrialization and Social Change
SOC 150 Criminology
SOC 151 The Criminal Justice System
SOC 154 Health and Illness
SOC 155 Sociology of Law
SOC 175 Mass Communication
Field 8: Policy Analysis Tools
ECN 102 Intermediate Macro Theory
ECN 100A/B Intermediate Micro Theory
POL 114 Quantitative Analysis of Political Data
Field 9: Honors Thesis
POL 194HA Special Study for Honors Students
POL 194HB Special Study for Honors Students
Required Internship:
POL 192A Internship in Public Affairs (5 units)
POL 192B Internship in Public Affairs (5 units)
Required Research:
POL 193 Research in Practical Politics
POL 193W Washington Center Research Seminar
POL 196E Seminar in Research Methods
Courses in Fields 1-9 are worth 4 units unless otherwise noted.
Course offerings are subject to change. Check with your advisor for the most updated listings.